So what is
So you might as your self, what is Well let me tell you, we are a fully free listing service with minimum premium payment service only to boost appearance on our website and is is nothing more then €5 for 30 days by just clicking boost on the group page and you can use paypal or stripe and just a single payment and no subscription.
We would love to keep it that way and let people enjoy a listing service that isn't all about just earning money and let you list groups and channels from different services like Telegram, Discord, WhatsApp and signal.
All you need to do is open the memu and press the submit group in the top left or the plus sign top right. You don't need an account tho we do ask for an email to verify the listing, however it might give an error or say it's already verified when you click the link in the email, but don't you worry it's gone through and we will check the submission in our admin and approve it as soon as possible.
Don't worry that's all we will use your email for because we hate spam and news letters as much as you and that next guy person who submit a link.
So submit your group today, it's free and can give you free traffic and more members for your group.